Days 25 - 27 Cincinnati/Louisville/Brandenburg (154 miles)
DAY 25: Cincinnati, OH to Madison, Indiana (52 mi)
Nourished & ready to be released back into the wild after a few rest days
Absolutely gorgeous ride today. Thunderstorms in the distance and on both sides of us, but somehow the route we were following kept turning us the opposite direction from where the storms were. You could almost call it fate!.. well until we decided to keep going past the 'ROAD CLOSED AHEAD' sign at mile 45. Totally forgetting about the sign and going back to enjoying the super peaceful ride, we run into this at mile 50...
Uhm, what to do now... With our warmshowers destination 2 miles away, a nasty thunderstorm heading right at us, and it being dark in less than an hour...
A) • somehow carry our 90lb bikes down and up the steep muddy construction creek trench, head directly towards the thunderstorm
B) • Turn around, bike the 15+ mile detour, maybe being able to avoid the storm, but definitely will be biking in the dark
We did A, of course. As proud as we were that we didnt get a single drop of rain on us the entire ride, well now we are covered in mud with 2 miles left. Oh and then KUH BOOM lightnening strikes right by us. We take cover by some lady's farm house and call our warmshowers host letting him know we'll be later than expected due to this crazy thunderstorm on top of us.
Our awesome host, Bob, insists he'll come pick us up. Minutes later Bob majestically pulls up in his mini van, as if Jesus had just entered our presence. No kidding, the second he pulled up the thunder storm/rain stopped and a huge rainbow with a red sunset sky backdrop came out of nowhere. Since the rain had stopped, we decided to throw our bags in his van and follow him on our bikes. We chased this fiery red sunset for the next 2 miles.
Mahalo Bob & Charlotte, you two were awesome hosts :)
Day 26: Madison, Indiana to Louisville, Kentucky (53 mi)
•Charlotte made us an awesome breakfast, Bob said Grace and sent us on our way!
•Probably the hottest day, and most sun/humidity we've gotten all trip.
•Made it to Louisville, the capital of Bourbon!!
•Walked around The Muhammad Ali Center Museum for a bit, experienced lively downtown 4th street, then peeked our heads into Bourbon Row's Jim Bean, Old Forester, Evan Williams Distilleries
•Such an awesome downtown area, pretty much everyone walking around was buzzing off of Bourbon
•definitely one of our favorite cities/stops of our trip so far!

Day 27: Louisville to Brandenburg, Kentucky (49 mi)
Sad leaving Louisville, but have to hit the road before these upcoming storms hit us!!
There's nothing quite like biking in the backcountry, so peaceful and scenic.. absolutely loving these routes
Highlight of the day:
We watched a teenage cow escape it's farm and wander down the street, with mom mooing in the distance most likely yelling at him in cow language.
Seemed like the whole town got together to use their trucks to direct the cow back to its farm. Pretty comical scene we witnessed haha
Nourished & ready to be released back into the wild after a few rest days
Absolutely gorgeous ride today. Thunderstorms in the distance and on both sides of us, but somehow the route we were following kept turning us the opposite direction from where the storms were. You could almost call it fate!.. well until we decided to keep going past the 'ROAD CLOSED AHEAD' sign at mile 45. Totally forgetting about the sign and going back to enjoying the super peaceful ride, we run into this at mile 50...
Uhm, what to do now... With our warmshowers destination 2 miles away, a nasty thunderstorm heading right at us, and it being dark in less than an hour...
A) • somehow carry our 90lb bikes down and up the steep muddy construction creek trench, head directly towards the thunderstorm
B) • Turn around, bike the 15+ mile detour, maybe being able to avoid the storm, but definitely will be biking in the dark
We did A, of course. As proud as we were that we didnt get a single drop of rain on us the entire ride, well now we are covered in mud with 2 miles left. Oh and then KUH BOOM lightnening strikes right by us. We take cover by some lady's farm house and call our warmshowers host letting him know we'll be later than expected due to this crazy thunderstorm on top of us.
Our awesome host, Bob, insists he'll come pick us up. Minutes later Bob majestically pulls up in his mini van, as if Jesus had just entered our presence. No kidding, the second he pulled up the thunder storm/rain stopped and a huge rainbow with a red sunset sky backdrop came out of nowhere. Since the rain had stopped, we decided to throw our bags in his van and follow him on our bikes. We chased this fiery red sunset for the next 2 miles.
Mahalo Bob & Charlotte, you two were awesome hosts :)
Day 26: Madison, Indiana to Louisville, Kentucky (53 mi)
•Charlotte made us an awesome breakfast, Bob said Grace and sent us on our way!
•Probably the hottest day, and most sun/humidity we've gotten all trip.
•Made it to Louisville, the capital of Bourbon!!
•Walked around The Muhammad Ali Center Museum for a bit, experienced lively downtown 4th street, then peeked our heads into Bourbon Row's Jim Bean, Old Forester, Evan Williams Distilleries
•Such an awesome downtown area, pretty much everyone walking around was buzzing off of Bourbon
•definitely one of our favorite cities/stops of our trip so far!

Day 27: Louisville to Brandenburg, Kentucky (49 mi)
Sad leaving Louisville, but have to hit the road before these upcoming storms hit us!!
There's nothing quite like biking in the backcountry, so peaceful and scenic.. absolutely loving these routes
Highlight of the day:
We watched a teenage cow escape it's farm and wander down the street, with mom mooing in the distance most likely yelling at him in cow language.
Seemed like the whole town got together to use their trucks to direct the cow back to its farm. Pretty comical scene we witnessed haha
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